
Foster Youth Save Lives with iFoster TAY AmeriCorps 2021 Service Program
by iFoster | April 30, 2021

iFoster’s TAY AmeriCorps 2021 Service Program Drives Equitable Vaccine Roll-Out in California

iFoster is thrilled to be focusing it’s 2021 TAY AmeriCorps program to support California Volunteers (CV) Vaccinate For All initiative. As COVID-19 continues to impact everyone’s lives, more than 200 iFoster TAY AmeriCorps Members will help ensure the vaccine roll-out happens with equity and prioritizes the most vulnerable populations:current/former foster youth, foster/kinship families, front-line workers, low income, Hispanic, African American, and new immigrants.

iFoster has initially partnered with Eisner Health, BHS Health Center Network, and Saban Community Clinic to assist in their efforts to vaccinate their local communities. TAY AmeriCorps Members will conduct outreach, inform residents of the need to vaccinate, and help vulnerable residents schedule vaccination appointments. The program will help thousands of clients navigate the system to become vaccinated.

In 2020, TAY AmeriCorps had success with virtually connecting more than 16,000 transition-age foster youth across 53 counties in California to resources they needed to succeed. The virtual model is in place to support vaccine navigation, too.

Members of iFoster TAY AmeriCorps are uniquely suited to support this effort, as residents of Los Angeles County and Santa Clara County, and trusted messengers in their communities. Participating youth are multilingual—able to speak Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Russian, Armenian, Hmong, and other languages to reach underserved groups.

“iFoster TAY AmeriCorps recognizes the need for a statewide mobilization supporting vaccination for all Californians,” said Serita Cox, iFoster CEO & Co-Founder. “We’re thrilled that our TAY AmeriCorps program and members’ unique capabilities regarding reaching, educating, and enrolling the most at-risk California residents can quickly step in to assist California Volunteer’s important Vaccinate For All effort. This service opportunity will be virtual and in the growing field of telehealth – providing both paid service and valuable work experience. In addition, it will empower foster youth to be valued, contributing members of society.”

Read more: Transition-Age Foster Youth to Aid Vaccination Effort in California

iFoster’s award winning AmeriCorps program provides opportunities for foster youth to serve their communities, build job skills, and showcase their incredible capabilities. Learn more about the iFoster TAY AmeriCorps program.
